Best Products
First-class Products
- 1 Planning and development of new products through creative thoughts and R&D
- 2 Optimal development and production infrastructure to develop and produce the best products
- 3 Commercialization of highly reliable and high performance products focusing on development design technologies
The Importance of Maintaining
Human Resource- 1 Management focusing on human resources, development of creative human resources
- 2 Procurement of excellent human resources by strengthening development of human resource capacities and improving their abilities
Change and Innovation
Change and Innovation
- 1 Continuous change and innovation based on accumulated technologies and knowhow
- 2 Construction and operation of the latest business information management system
- 3 Customer-oriented product development and service creation
Management Philosophy
Best Product
One & Only, First, Best
1 창의적인 기술 개발
2 경쟁력 있는 제품
3 일등제품
4 고객감동
Human Resource
인간중심 경영, 능력개발을 통한
일류회사 육성
창의적인 인재, 세계적
경쟁력을 갖춘 Global 인재
축전된 기술과 Know How를
바탕으로한 변화, 혁신, 발전